Craig Clough, a native of Minnesota now residing with his wife in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, has always had a passion for wildlife art. The move to the U.P. wilderness rekindled this self taught artist whose work both stirs the imagination and the memories of his viewer. His unique and highly realistic carvings reflect the creativeness and the true artistic talent he possesses. These abilities emerged at an early age beginning with drawing, painting, and sculpting then taxidermy which then led into wood carving and has now come full circle. With over two decades immersed in the wildlife art field, 17 of them carving wood, Craig continues to evolve and expand his artwork. Although carved fish are his specialty, Craig's most recent wood carved sculptures, specialty boxes and furnishings of other wildlife are catching everyone's attention.

"For me, art is an endless journey of discovery, imagination, experimentation, learning and pure satisfaction. Nature is the key source of inspiration for fulfilling my passion for art."

© Close2Nature 2008